Use the cargo transport form a reliable partner with many years of experience! Thanks to our large modern vehicle fleet, we provide transport of broad range of materials.


Our team of regularly trained drivers daily realises high-volume transports of earth, transport of materials from construction sites, transport of aggregates and other loose materials in the whole Czech Republic.

We have available a broad range of containers with various volumes that we use for removal of debris, waste, construction materials, and items when clearing-out various spaces. According to your needs, we will provide the container to the specified place and after it is full, we will again remove it. Thanks to the vehicles with hydraulic arm, we can easily place the larger loads according to your needs.



You can use the cargo transport of the Pavel Švestka, s.r.o. company for:

  • transport of loose materials
  • transport of recycled materials, sand and compacting materials
  • removal and storing of debris, earth, concrete, ferro-concrete and wooden waste
  • waste removal according to ADR
  • aggregate transport
  • transport of construction and other materials

Our own cargo transport actively complements all our other services, such as demolitions, earth works and crane works.


Contact us, we will gladly prepare You an offer: Make inquiry »

Provozovna a sídlo společnosti

Pavel Švestka, s. r. o.
U Zastávky 182
252 16 Nučice u Rudné